UDC 355.42.424

  • Zaytsev Aleksander Aleksandrovich – PhD (Military), Associate Professor, Professor, the Department of Military Strategy of Faculty of the Joint Staff. Military Academy of Republic of Belarus (220, Nezavisimosti Ave., 220057, Minsk, Republic of Belarus)

Key words: new world order, military conflicts, new types of weapons, non-lethal weapons, weapons based on new principles.

For citation: Zaytsev A. A. A new world orders as a historical necessity and the use of nonlethal impact weapons for its support. Proceedings of BSTU, Issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2021, no. 1 (245), pp. 107–111 (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-6885-2021-245-1-107-111.


This article is devoted to the analysis of non-lethal weapons developed by Western countries – electromagnetic, acoustic, optical, laser, electric and other types of weapons using new physical principles. Along with non-lethal military weapons, they are widely used as police weapons. Methods and ways of using it are being developed. Actively about weapons that can neutralize the enemy or deprive him of the opportunity to conduct hostilities without inflicting irreparable losses in manpower, destruction of material assets or large-scale violations of the environment, they started talking in the 90s. last century Non-lethal weapons have by now reached great perfection as a means of combat. A number of non-lethal weapons systems find their application in the police, as well as in other paramilitary structures of various states of the world and have a wealth of experience in practical application. In this regard, the Belarusian military art needs to carefully study the experience of using non-lethal weapons by the enemy, learn how to deal with them, and, if necessary, use them in the course of hostilities.


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