UDC 94(476):323.17
Key words: historiography, historical memory, statehood, BNR, BSSR, nation, national democracy, Bolshevism, historical science.
For citation: Raichenok A. A. Historiography of the Belarusian statehood in the 20s XX century as a form of reflection of historical memory. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2021, no. 1 (245), pp. 12–17 (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-6885-2021-245-1-12-17.
The article provides an overview of the main directions of the formation and development of historical memory in Belarus through the prism of the first studies of the phenomenon of Belarusian statehood in the 1920s. XX century. The development of the methodology of historiographic research and the formation of historical policy in the BSSR are traced. The problem of introducing correct scientific tools in the study of historical memory by modern historical science is considered. The influence of ideological priorities, representatives of certain political trends in Belarus in the 1920s is investigated. on the formation of the Belarusian historiography of the modern Belarusian statehood. The article examines the influence of political and social orders on the topics of professional historical research and their further impact on the process of forming collective memory, as well as the specifics of their scientific presentation. The author assesses the prospects for studying the phenomenon of historical memory in the modern historiography of Belarus.
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