UDC 341.222(476)«1922/1939»

  • Shanets Leonid Igorevich – Assistant Professor, the Department of Border Guard Management. Institute of Border Guard Service of Republic of Belarus (4, Slavinskogo str., 220103, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Key words: Border Guard, state border, historiography, soviet period, collection of documents, interwar period, edition, Belarusian section of the border.

For citation: Shanets L. I. Establishment and activities of the border guard in the BSSR 1922–1939: Soviet historiography. Proceedinqs of BST, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2021, no. 1 (245), pp. 74–78 (In Russian). DOI:


The article reviews the existing historiography on the protection of the state border in the territory of the BSSR on the basis of the study of scientific research, scientific-journalistic and journalistic literature. The author notes that the problem of the formation and activity of the border guard on the territory of Belarus in the period from 1922 to 1939. is relevant and poorly understood. Historiography is divided into two periods: Soviet and post-Soviet, and an analysis of the content and distinctive features of each of them is given. It is emphasized that historiography is mostly fragmented. It is represented by historical and memoir collections, essays on the history of the border troops of the Soviet state, monographs, articles in departmental journals, etc., which for the most part are presented without a scientific reference apparatus and can be contradictory. It is concluded that the publications of that time on the history of the border guard were aimed at promoting the heroic exploits of border guards, with the aim of educating the qualities for service on the border and loyalty to the ruling party.


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