UDC 930(476)”19”

  • Belazarovich Viktar Aleksandrovich – PhD (History), Associate Professor, Dean Faculty of History, Communication and Tourism. Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno (22, Ozheshko str., 230023, Grodno, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Key words: historiography, national democracy, Institute of party history, methodological pluralism, Marxist-Leninist methodology.

For citation: Belazarovich V. A. The struggle with the national-democratic over in Belararusian historiografhy. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2021, no. 1 (245), pp. 68–73 (In Russian). DOI:


The article reveals the process of approval of Marxist-Leninist methodology in the historical science of the BSSR in the 1920s –1930s under the influence of socio-political changes in Soviet society. The historiographical analysis of scientific works prepared by national-oriented Belarusian historians is carried out. The role of the Institute of party history and the October revolution under the Central Committee of CP(b)B as a methodological center for the struggle for “purity” of historical views is shown. The departure of a number of researchers, in particular, A. G. Chervyakov and D. F. Zhilunovich, from national positions in assessing the history of Belarus is revealed.

The research is based on historiographical sources of literary character, presented in the form of book production and publications in periodicals. Among them are works by Y. I. Lesik, A. L. Bourbis, F. F. Turuk, P. V. Trempovich, C. J. Wolfson, D. M. Vasilevsky and others. Also studied non-fiction ideological orientation – publications S. H. Agurskogo, A. I. Stalevicha, A. Sienkiewicza, and others.

The conclusion is made about the radical change of the methodological paradigm in historical cognition, manifested in the transition from the research pluralism of the 1920s to the unanimity of the 1930s.


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