UDC 9:331.105 (476)
Key words: new economic policy (NEP), tariff economic work, People’s Commissariat of Labour, trade unions, labour disputes, parity-arbitration settlement of labour conflicts, rate and conflict commissions (RCC), conciliation chambers.
For citation: Dubovik A. А. Activity of rate and conflict commissions at the enterprises of the BSSR in the 1920s. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2021, no. 1 (245), pp. 63–67 (In Belarusian). DOI:
The article deals with the solution of labour disputes at enterprises of the Belarusian SSR in the period of new economic policy through the creation and work of rate and conflict commissions (RCC). Their activity has expanded widely since 1922 and was directed by the People’s Commissariat of Labour and trade unions. RCC was created on a paritу basis from representatives of the administration and factory commitee and was the first instance for resolving conflicts at enterprise and institution. Labour productivity and general mood of workers depended оn how timely and correctly RCC resolved labour conflicts. The activity of RCC can be divided into two stages. In the first half of the 1920s they did a lot in the interests of the workers. At the end of 1920s there was a weakening of activities of RCC, conciliation chambers and other institutions of parity-arbitration settlement of labour conflicts due to the transfer of part of their powers to the judicial authorities. This narrowed the оpportunities for trade unions to participate in resolving issues of labour relations regulation.
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