UDC 332.02
Key words: sustainable development, land information system, cadastre, register, registry, land administration.
For citation: Saltykou K. S. On the modernization of the land information system of the Republic of Belarus. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 5, Economics and Management, 2021, no. 1 (244), pр. 63–69 (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-6877-2021-244-1-63-69.
Sustainable development is a modern eco-economic concept and one of the main global trends. Sustainable development is related to the management of capital (natural, physical, human) and is ensured by its cumulative growth. In the field of land and property relations, real estate objects are transformed into capital through the processes of land administration. Information about these objects is stored in land information (cadastral) systems. Therefore for the sustainable use of land and real estate as a whole the land information (cadastral) systems should be organized in accordance with the principles which support the effective management decision making in this sphere and contain components of sustainable development (ecological, social and economic).
The article examines the organizational and legal aspects of modernization of the land information system of the Republic of Belarus taking into account the requirements of international documents in the field of cadastre and land administration, as well as legislation on the protection and use of land. The author proposes to modernize the existing land information system of the Republic of Belarus by means of its transformation into the register of land resources, offers a new definition of the land information system of the Republic of Belarus and gives advantages of providing full legal status of lands, including rights and restrictions.
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