UDC 332.1
Key words: pace, pace of life of the region, methodology for assessing the pace of life, economic assessment of the pace of life, quality of life, life expectancy, regional policy.
For citation: Karpenko Ye. M., Rasseka Yu. Yu. Economic assessment of the population living rate. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 5, Economics and Management, 2021, no. 1 (244), pр. 48–54 (In Russian). DOI:
The article presents an overview of the existing methodological approaches to assessing the pace of life of the population. The main drawback of the indicated approaches – one-sidedness-is revealed. The pace of life is considered as a psychological, medical and sociological category. The authors substantiate the need to assess the pace of life as an economic category. The rationale is based on the assumption that the pace of life significantly affects the quality of labor, as well as the efficiency of its use. The authors propose a method of economic assessment of the rate of life of the population of the region. A distinctive feature of this methodology is the identification of three aspects of the assessment: physical, information and financial flows. In methodical calculations using statistical information (average volume of paid services, the average electricity consumption, average fuel consumption, average turnover, average number of seats in the objects of public catering, the average sales area of stores) and the data obtained as a result of personal observations of the authors. The method was tested on the materials of the Republic of Belarus, the dynamics of changes in the pace of life for the period 2013-2019 was studied. The use of this technique will allow us to assess the pace of life in the region in order to further harmonize it with the pace of life of an individual resident.
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