UDC 628.356+574.64
Keywords: biological treatment, waste waters, sedimental particals, toxicity index, biotesting, active sludge, heavy metals.
For citation: Ignatenko A. V., Masechnovich A. A. Biosorption, biocoagulation properties of active sludge and waste waters toxicity changing during their biological treatment. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 2, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnologies, Geoecology, 2021, no. 1 (241), pp. 63–68 (In Russian). DOI:
The biosorption and biocoagulation properties of active sludge and its ability to adsorb the ions of heavy metals: Fetotal, Сr6+ and also to decrease the concentrations of suspended particles and water toxicity were considered in the processes of biological treatment of waste waters at city sewage treatment plant.
Analyses of biocoagulation properties of active sludge showed that it has a good ability to aggregate colloidal and rude dispersed particles in waste waters and to decrease of their concentration in 2–5 times depen-ding from the relation of active sludge : waste water at the stage of mechanical treatment in primary settlers.
It was marked the important role of biosorption properties of active sludge in waste water detoxication on corridors of aerotank. Worked up active sludge possessed 30% of its maximal sorption ability. After EDTA treatment its sorption capacity to Fetotal increased in 2–3 times.
Biotesting of waste waters toxicity on corridors of aerotank showed a good correlation between index of toxicity waste waters and the rest sorption capacity of active sludge on the stages of biological treatment.
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