UDC 630*863

  • Boltovskiy Valeriy Stanislavovich – DSc (Engineering), Associate Professor, Professor, the Department of Chemical Processing of Wood. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Keywords: cellulose, vegetable raw materials, lignocellulose materials, hydrolysis methods, microcrystalline cellulose.

For citation: Boltovskiy V. S. Production method microcrystalline cellulose (review). Proceedings of BSTU, issue 2, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnologies, Geoecology, 2021, no. 1 (241), pp. 40–50 (In Russian). DOI:


The article provides a review of the literature on methods for obtaining the most widely used powdered cellulose material – microcrystalline cellulose from various types of cellulose (cotton, wood, and others), chemical and thermomechanical mass, and lignocellulose plant raw materials (mainly annual plants and agricultural waste).

Microcrystalline cellulose due to its properties: the extreme degree of polymerization, high degree of crystallinity and others, is currently widely used in pharmaceutical, medical, food, chemical and other industries.

The most common method for producing microcrystalline cellulose is hydrolysis of cellulose and lignocellulose materials using as catalysts aqueous solutions of various acids (sulfuric, hydrochloric and their mixtures, nitric, phosphoric and others).

Currently, various methods for obtaining microcrystalline cellulose have been published, in particular, using steam explosion (autohydrolysis-explosion) and ultrasonic processing, and others that provide an increase in the efficiency of its production processes.

This article reviews the most common and new methods for producing microcrystalline cellulose based on the analysis of publications in the scientific literature and patent sources.



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