UDC 630*866:668.472.002.611/.612
Keywords: rosin modification, flux, anticorrosive compound, solder, mounting wire, living rosin, solderability, glycerin.
For citation: Kluev A. Yu. Development and research of properties flushing compounds obtained using secondary terpenoid products. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 2, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnologies, Geoecology, 2021, no. 1 (241), pp. 153–162 (In Russian). DOI:
The article highlights the development of formulations for fluxing compositions obtained using terpenoid products and their technologies. The possibility of using FFA carnifols chemically modified with 3.0 wt. % glycerin (Treaktion= (280 ± 5)°С) with the properties: Tr = 75.0°С, acid number =
= 100.0 mg KOH/g, solderability S = 155.0 mm2, – in the formulation of a polymer fluxing composition (polyisobutylene, sevilen, DBF) and designed to protect copper wires of installation wires instead of POS-61 tin solder. In terms of the set of parameters (S, adhesion, plasticity and Tm), the most effective formulations are those containing 30–40 wt. % modified pine gum rosin.
Pine gum rosin, modified with 3.0 wt. % glycerin, was called KMZhF-1, and the developed composition containing 30.0–40.0 wt. % KMZhF-1 rosin, – SAF-1 anticorrosive fluxing composition. A pilot batch of assembly wires (30 km) for MSV and MSVM with a cross-section of 0.2 mm2 was produced at PA “Belaruskabel” (Mozyr, Republic of Belarus); 0.35 mm2; 0.75 mm2 coated with stranded copper and combined (35% tinned and 65% copper wires) cores of SAF-1 composition. An experimental batch of wires has passed positive tests.
The use of the SAF-1 composition in installation wires instead of tin gives the manufacturer a decrease in the consumption of tin or other solders from 90 to 38 g/km and a decrease in the thickness of the insulating coating from 0.45 to 0.41 mm due to the improvement of the electrical insulating properties of the latter.
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