UDC 676.085.4
Keywords: modification of rosin, rosin-leterpene-maleic adducts, terpetine, catalyst, maleic anhydride, terpene-maleic resins.
For citation: Kluev A. Yu. Obtaining and research of physico-chemical properties terpenomaline resins from resin, extractive and sulfate skipidars in the presence of catalysts. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 2, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnologies, Geoecology, 2021, no. 1 (241), pp. 147–152 (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2021-241-1-147-152.
The prospect of studying the properties of terpene-maleic resins (TMR) and their modification by various methods is due to the presence in the Republic of Belarus of a sufficient raw material base in the form of renewable terpenoid raw materials, as well as the possibility of their industrial processing into secondary products. Together with the staff of BSTU, in order to reduce the duration of the process and increase the yield of TMS resin, a technology for its production in the presence of a P2O5 catalyst was developed. To obtain TMS resins under more stable conditions, catalysts NH4Cl and NH4I have been proposed in an amount of 0.05–0.50 wt. %, which contribute to an increase in the yield of TMS from 88.0 to 96.0%. At the same time, there is a decrease in the acid number from 320.0 to 308.0 mg/KOH g and Tр from 65.0 to 45.0°C.
In the treatment of rosin-copolymerpene-maleic adducts (RCMA), rosin-copolyester-styrene-nomaleic adducts (RCSNA), terpene-maleic resins, as well as rosin-maleic adducts modified with oleic acid (OKMA), alkanolamines, polyhydric alcohols, N-epoxides, metal acetates, 10 new valuable products and composite compositions based on them and developed their technologies. The synthesized terpene-maleic resins can be used as a hardener for epoxy resins to obtain varnish coatings with high mechanical strength and dielectric.
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