UDC 546.05;661.8

  • Denisov Oleh Sergeevich – PhD student, the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Safety Measures. Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University (59а, Tsentral’nyy Ave., 93400, Severodonetsk, Ukraine). E-mail: oleg.denisov65@gmail.com

  • Korchuganova Elena Nikolaevna – PhD (Engineering), Assistant Professor, the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Safety Measures. Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University (59а, Tsentral’nyy Ave., 93400, Severodonetsk, Ukraine). E-mail: korchuganova@snu.edu.ua

Keywords: zinc oxide, Gibbs energy, urea hydrolysis, potentiometric titration.

For citation: Denisov O. S., Korchuganova E. N. Potentiometric titration of zinc salts. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 2, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnologies, Geoecology, 2021, no. 1 (241), pp. 24–29 (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2021-241-1-24-29.


This article describes the methods for producing zinc oxide. The methods of chemical precipitation, sol-gel, gas deposition, magnetron deposition, and a comparative characteristic are also considered. Calculations of the solution – precipitate equilibrium were performed. Precipitation potentiometric titration of zinc salts with several precipitants was carried out. The constructed curves in the coordinates of the concentration ratio of precipitant/cation – pH were used to determine the optimal ratios of the reagents.


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