UDC 676.085.4

  • Klyuev Andrey Yur’evich – DSc (Engineering), Professor of the Department of Woodworking Technology. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail: andrey_kluev_bstu@mail.ru

Keywords: rosin modification, model composition, precision casting, alkanolamine, thermostable salt.

For citation: Kluev A. Yu. Obtaining, studying properties and development technologies for precision casting models using the modified rosin. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 2, Chemical Engineering, Biotechnologies, Geoecology, 2021, no. 1 (241), pp. 139–146 (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-2669-2021-241-1-139-146.


The article describes the development of formulations and technologies of model compositions using modified rosin for precision casting of metal products of complex geometric configuration. The obtained experimental samples MS-1 – MS-6 are similar to the industrial compositions ZGV-101 and ZGV-107 and have been tested in the laboratories of BSTU and OJSC “Mining Wax Plant”. For this, samples in the form of bars were obtained from the experimental compositions using the method of pressing under pressure using a hydraulic press, which were subjected to tests. In the first two series of the obtained MS, identical regularities are observed in the changes in the physicomechanical characteristics of the experimental compositions. With an increase in the number of hydroxyl groups and the molecular weight of alkanolamine used to modify rosin in the process of obtaining MS, a decrease in the ultimate strength in bending su and an increase in the heat resistance of Tу are observed, respectively, for each of the series: sи – 9.5–9.0 and 8,7–8.5 MPa; Tу – 40.0–42.0 and 43.0–45.0°C. These properties make it possible to improve the quality of the resulting castings, which do not require subsequent additional processing.

It was found experimentally that series I MS have 15–20% higher strength than series II MS. At the same time, series II MS are more heat-resistant than series I MS. Changes in the properties of MS can be
explained by the nature and physicochemical properties of alkanolamine salts of pine-gum rosin and disproportionated pine-gum rosin, which subsequently determine the strength and heat resistance of MS.

With the use of the most thermostable triethanolamine salts of pine gum (TSPG) and disproportionated gum rosin (TSDGR), the formulation and technology of the industrial composition of ZGV-101 was improved, formulations and technologies of new MS ZGV-101M and ZGV-103M were developed for various technological operations of precision investment casting. The study of the properties showed that all the experimental samples obtained are superior to the industrial compositions in terms of physical and mechanical properties.



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