UDC 674.048
Key words: wood pressing, heat treatment, physical and mechanical properties, strength.
For citation: Utgof S. S., Kunevich V. O. The analysis of modern technologies of thermo-mechanical modification of wood. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2021, no. 1 (240), pp. 179–181 (In Russian). DOI:
Soft-leaved wood species are one of the main resources for the wood-processing industry, but their low strength and rigidity, short service life, and inexpressive color and texture limit their use as facing materials. Most soft-leaved species are characterized by rapid growth, resulting in a high percentage of renewability. In this regard, research is being conducted to improve the aesthetic, physical and mechanical properties, such as the hardness and strength of wood, without the use of chemical compounds. Thermomechanical modification is widely used as a method for improving the physical and mechanical properties of wood.
This paper substantiates the need for research and development of technologies for thermomechanical modification of wood. Existing and applied modification methods were considered. The analysis of research on the topic of modification of wood by thermomechanical means is carried out, the methods and equipment used are described. The purpose of this analysis is the need to find optimal processing modes for softwood to obtain parts with physical and mechanical properties that are not inferior to those of hardwoods. The choice of optimal modes can provide a choice of highperformance equipment.
During the analysis of information from the literature, optimal ranges of values of technological factors, such as pressure (P, MPa), temperature (t, °C) and time (τ, C), were established for further testing.
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