UDC 684.62.059

  • Dubovskaya Lyudmila Yurievna – PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor, Professor, the Department of of Technology and Design of Wooden Articles. Belarusian State Academy of Arts (220012, Minsk, Independence Avenue, 81a, Republic of Belarus). E-mail: luda.dubovskaya@tut.by

  • Ignatovich Lyudmila Vladimirovna – PhD (Engineering), Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, the Department of of Technology and Design of Wooden Articles. Belarusian State Technological University (220006, Minsk, Sverdlova str., 13a, Republic of Belarus). E-mail: ignatovich@belstu.by, lignatovich6@gmail.com

  • Dubodelova Yekaterina Vladimirovna – PhD (Engineering), Assistant Professor, the Department of Woodworking Technology. Belarusian State Technological University (220006, Minsk, Sverdlova str., 13a, Republic of Belarus). E-mail: katedubodelova@tut.by

Key words: mineral binder, wood-mineral composite board for thermal insulation purposes.

For citation: Dubovskaya L. Yu., Ignatovich L. V., Dubodelova Ye. V. Optimization of production technology modes plate wood-mineral composite material for thermal insulation purpose. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2021, no 1 (240), pp. 169–175 (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2519-402X-2021-240-23-169-175.


Hot pressing is a critical technological operation in the production of composite board materials. The study of technological parameters that determine the modes of pressing of panel materials provide not only the effectiveness of the technology application, but also their quality and safety indicators.

The article discusses the modes of pressing the board wood-mineral composite material for thermal insulation purposes. Modified liquid glass was used as a binder. Two methods of obtaining heatinsulating material are considered: by heat treatment of the initial mass and at room temperature.Particular attention is paid to such parameters as the duration of pressing and the heating temperature of the plates, which are the necessary conditions for obtaining a high-quality final product. The dependence of the temperature change in the center of the sample on the heating time, the effect of holding parameters on the setting time of the mass when obtaining a wood-mineral composite material for thermal insulation purposes, the effect of the temperature of obtaining a composite on its strength, and also, in order to save energy, the dynamics of hardening of samples at room temperature.

The effect of temperature on the setting time of the samples was established: at a temperature of 150°C, the setting time of a wood-mineral composite material is 60 minutes, at 100°C – 140 minutes, at 20°C – 220 minutes. In this case, the samples obtained at a temperature of (20±2)°C reached constant humidity (9.5%) in 4 days. On the basis of the results obtained, an opinion was expressed on the optimal technological modes of obtaining a wood-mineral composite material for thermal insulation purposes.


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