UDC 625.711.84
Key words: methodology, experimental research, forwarder, mover, cutting area, soil, impact.
For citation: Misuno Yu. I. Methodology for experimental studies to assess the operational and environmental compatibility of forest machines with soil. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2021, no. 1 (240), pp. 132–140 (In Russian). DOI:
One of the most important and topical areas of research on ways to improve the technology of logging from the point of view of minimizing the negative impact of the components of the technological process on the components of the forest ecosystem is the study of the process of interaction of the movers of forest machines with soil. A large number of experimental studies have been carried out on this topic, in which various methods and ways of scientific research were used to obtain reliable experimental data. As the analysis of literary sources shows, for a more complete and accurate analysis of the influence of various factors on the process of interaction of the mover with the support surface, experimental research should include both the determination of the indicators of the impact of the mover on the support surface, as well as changes in the state of the soil as a result of the passage of forestry machinery.
This article describes the experimental research methodology, which allows for a comprehensive assessment of the operational and environmental compatibility of forest machine movers with soil. The presented method includes two stages for determining the parameters of the impact of the investigated mover, as well as the degree of damage to forest soil as a result of cutting operations. Each stage includes a description of the sequence of field and laboratory studies performed. A method is given for checking the adequacy of the obtained data and their comparative analysis with the results of theoretical studies.
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