UDC 656.073.235
Key words: forest complex; sorting; container transportation; multi-lift systems; trailers; semitrailers.
For citation: Naskovets M. T., Khoroshun N. V. Prospects for the development of container transportation in the forest industry of The Republic of Belarus. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2021, no 1 (240) pp. 126–131 (In Russian). DOI:
The article includes the ways of container cargo transportation of logging production, which can be used in practice and are based on the design of modern rolling stock of vehicles used for the transport of forest goods. In particular, the technology of performing transportation processes on the export of wood raw materials by the Multilift system is considered. The list of possibilities of a transport vehicle with the Multilift container loading system for logging is not limited. Additional bodies and containers allow you to eliminate from the logistics chain machines and mechanisms that are not used directly in the logging process. These are tanks, fuel tanks with refueling devices, mobile oil filling stations and bodies, technical support, repair and technical services modules, bodies for personnel transportation, the possibility of transporting mobile houses for housing, fire modules and etc. Also, the use of simple cargo pallets allows you to use Multilift machines for transporting equipment, for example, small forwarders and harvesters. If the chassis under the Multilift has a four-wheel drive design with a 6x6 wheel formula, like MAZ, then it is possible to evacuate logging equipment directly from the plots.
The article shows the possibility of effective use of trailers and semi-trailers as primary container vehicles in the organization of delivery of timber materials, presents the advantages of replaceable containers for the export of timber, which consists in the possibility of using them for different purpose bodies with different loading volumes. The description of the proposed combined system of sorting is given.
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