UDC 338.482

  • Bessarab Dmitry Aleksandrovich – PhD (Geographical), Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, the Department of Tourism, Nature Management and Hunting. Belarusian State Technological University (13a, Sverdlova str., 220006, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail: dibess1@yandex.ru

Key words: tourism, development of tourism in Belarus, camping, caravanning, classification of campsites, camping quality standard, anthropogenic and recreational use of territories, motivation of tourists.

For citation: Bessarab D. A. On the development of camping and caravanning on the territory of the Republic of Belarus. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable resources, 2021, no. 1 (240), pp. 88–93 (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2519-402X-2021-240-11-88-93.


The article presents the author’s views on the principles of developing a network of campsites on the territory of the Republic of Belarus in order to revive domestic tourism and increase the flow of international arrivals. The assessment of the territorial location of functioning campsites is given. The experience of countries that are leaders in this type of tourism is evaluated. Thus, the decision on the equipment of a campsite is based on fundamental principles: the purpose of the accommodation facility and the type of organization that undertakes its construction. According to the purpose of placement facilities, they are divided into two large groups that solve fundamentally different tasks. Increasingly this factor determines the location and degree of “equipment”, i.e. “star rating” camping.

In addition, an attempt is made to evaluate the main approaches to the development of the European quality standard for camping, according to the European Economic Chamber of Trade, Commerce and Industry (EEIG). The analysis of European experience allowed us to justify the most common choice of priority places for camping equipment and their first purpose.

It was found that one of the most popular types of camping are organized on the coasts of reservoirs of various Genesis. An assessment of the available actual material allowed us to make a clear conclusion: they are represented by a variety of types of organization of the economy from the most budget-friendly to five-star campsites. According to the specialization at the reception of guests, campsites can be quite conditionally divided into opportunities for family and youth recreation.

Thus, the study of the experience of placing and specialization of campsites in European countries made it possible to make an attempt to develop some recommendations that allow transferring the accumulated experience in this area to the territory of the Republic of Belarus.


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  2. Kemping v Belarusi [Camping in Belarus]. Available at: https://www.holiday.by/by/dom/camping (accessed 08.10.2020).
  3. Eurocampings. Available at: http://www.acsi-eurocampings.ru (accessed 08.10.2020).
  4. World Tourism Organization. Available at: https://www.unwto.org/search?keys=barometer (accessed 06.10.2020).
  5. Campingplätze in deine Nähe. Available at: http://campingfuehrer.adac.de/campingfuehrer/ suche.php (accessed 07.10.2020).