UDC 632.7(476)(047.31)
Key words: insects-pests, urban green stands, entomofauna of the city.
For citation: Kaplich V. M., Vlasenko A. D. Ecological and faunistic assessment of insects-pests of urban green stands of the northern and northern-central regions of introduction of Belarus. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 1, Forestry. Nature Management. Processing of Renewable Resources, 2021, no. 1 (240), pp. 79–87 (In Russian).DOI:
Urban green spaces have a significant impact on the microclimate of cities and their sanitary and hygienic conditions. Constant monitoring of pests and forecast of population dynamics are required for effective plant protection, which is possible only knowing the species composition of the insects-pests, ecological and biological characteristics of pest species development.
In the course of a long-term survey (2007–2020) of urban green spaces in the northern and northcentral regions of the introduction of Belarus, 155 species of insect pests belonging to 7 orders (Sternorrhyncha, Dermaptera, Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera) and 43 families were identified. The orders Coleoptera (59 species, 38.1%), Sternorrhyncha (33 species, 21.3%), Lepidoptera (28 species, 18.1%) and Hemiptera (25 species, 16.1%) prevail in all types of urban green stands: central and peripheral street highways, private sector zones and forest park zones. The greatest species diversity of insect pests is typical for green stands of the peripheral street highways and areas of the private sector, which is associated with a wider species composition of forage plants. Herewith, pests with a latent way of life (miners and gall producers) and pests with a piercing-sucking mouthparts prevail in conditions of high anthropogenic pollution load.
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