Volume 196
Entire issue: Proceedings of BSTU Issue 5 No.1 - Economics and Management
Improvement of the relationship in corporate structures of the enterprises Republic of Belarus 5–9 UDC 339.9:658:630 Baranovskiy Stanislav Ivanovich, |
Аssessment of efficiency of the foreign trade activity of the region in the conditions of integration 10–14 UDC 339.5:332.1:339.924 |
Dialectics of human capital 15–19 UDC 330.14.014 |
National wealth of the Republic of Belarus: conceptual approaches to evaluation 20–28 UDC 330.5 |
Innovations in the system of the increasing of the competitiveness of goods and organizations 29–34 UDC 001.895:674 |
The present state of foreign trade and the prospects of implementation of the National program of export support and development Republic of Belarus for 2016–2020 35–39 UDC 339.5(476):339.564 |
Corporate standards of management as an alternative to privatization of a unitary state enterprise 40–45 UDC 338.1 |
Social and environmental innovation as factors of sustainable economic growth 46–50 UDC 001.895:316.422 |
Law efficiency and asymmetries life 51–55 UDC 338.364 |
Innovative activity as a way to increase the competitiveness of an enterprise 56–59 UDC 005.342:005.332.4. |
Control of sustainable development of the public forestry institutions of Gomel region 60–64 UDC 630.6:630.181.29:581.5(476.2) |
Methodological bases of social, ecological and economic evaluation of sustainable development of forestries on the territory with radioactive pollution 65–69 UDC 630.6:630.181.29:581.5(476.2) |
Аccounting of environmental component in estimation procedures of the quality of life of the population 70–74 UDC 332.142.6 |
Economic problems of the forest regeneration and ways to solve them 75–79 UDC 630*6 |
Оn the normative method of rentpricing for natural resources 80–83 UDC 502.15 Neverov Alexander Vasilуevich, |
Organizational and economic aspects of the protection of rights in the real estate in the Republic of Belarus 84–91 UDC 332.07 |
Real estate taxation: the experience of the European Union member states 92–96 UDC 332.7 |
Analysis of the influence of territorial location on the price of individual residential premises in Minsk 97–101 UDC 332.871:502.17 |
Reforms of housing and utilities in the countries of the former Warsaw treaty and Belarus 102–109 UDC 64.011.8 |
Land reform and foreign experience 110–115 UDC 347.214.2 |
Concept of housing management development in the Republic of Belarus 116–120 UDC 332.871:502.17 |
About applying best foreign practices of land readjustment in Belarus 121–128 UDC 332.025.2 |
On the creation of the legal framework of the infrastructure of spatial data in Belarus and Kazakhstan 129–133 UDC 004.6 |
Methodical approach to the analysis of the interrelations of the construction and industrial complex and housing and communal services on the basis of the life cycle of the building 134–137 UDC 338.314:691 Sabaleuski Aliaksandr Sergeevich, |
Clustering of the furniture industry: cluster object structure formation (on the example of the FLLC “Kronospan”) 138–144 UDC 339.24 |
Оrganic agriculture: the experience of foreign countries and actual aspects of regional development in Вelarus 145–150 UDC 633/635:631.111(047.31) |
Еvaluation of the impact of investment and innovation activity of organizations of industry of construction materials 151–156 UDC 330.322:001.76:691 |
The relationship of investments in human capital and the growth of labor productivity at enterprises 157–161 UDC 330.322:331.101.262:331.101.6 |
Fiscal stimulation of intra-industry and inter-sectoral cooperation 162–165 UDC 658.9 |
Innovative environment of forest industrial complex: sociological aspect of research 166–170 UDC 338.24 |
Оptimization of integrated governance structures of services of the region 171–174 UDC 338:65:332 |
Innovative activity as a factor of increase of competitiveness of the woodworking industry of the Republic of Belarus 175–179 UDC 001.895:674 |
Rational use of resources and recycling as a factor of sustainable development of printing enterprises 180–184 UDC 655:676.038:502.174 Lednitskiу Andrey Vikent’yevich, Kupriyan Svetlana Vasil’yevna, |
Foreign experience of organic agricultural production development 185–189 UDC 633/635:631.111(047.31) |
Social and economic assessment of Klichau district as research object for developing organic farming 190–194 UDC 502.131 |
Principles and criteria of organic agriculture 195–199 UDC 502.171 |
Adaptation of the accounting system and its compliance with international standards 200–203 UDC 630*662.1:657.471.1 |
Formation of the system of increase factors added value on building materials industry enterprises 204–208 UDC 658.1:691 |
Methods of administration of receivables as risk management instruments 209–213 UDC 502.17 |
Evolution of economic security 214–218 UDC 330.354 Kasperovich Sergey Antonovich, |
Main approaches to evaluation of innovative potential 219–223 UDC 001.895:330 Lednitskiу Andrey Vikent’yevich, |
Analytical testing of financial safety of the organization 224–229 UDC 658.15:657.62 |
Concept of the mechanism of management of sustainable development of an enterprise 230–234 UDC 005.93:658.5 |
Model for managing balanced growth as a tool for ensuring sustainable development of industrial enterprises 235–239 UDC 005.93:338.45:658.5 |
Marketing instruments to accelerate the process perception of innovations in the B2B market 240–243 UDC 339.9:658:630 |
Enterprise sustainable development mechanism in quasi-integration structure 244–249 UDC 339.24 |
Quasi-integration structure as origin of enterprise innovative development 250–255 UDC 339.24 |
Theoretical aspects of influence of direct foreign investments on economy 256–261 UDC 330:332 |
E-Governance and its potential benefits to improve the efficiency of land management in Lebanon and Belarus 262–270 UDC 332.85 |
E-participation in E-Government for improving land management: a case study of Lebanon and Belarus 271–277 UDC 332.85 |
Methods of increasing capitalization of enterprises of the real sector of economics 278–281 UDC 658.14 |
Theoretical aspects of total quality management in small and medium-sized enterprises 282–286 UDC 334 |
Land management systems in developing countries: comparative study of Lebanon and Belarus 287–299 UDC 347.214.2 |
Theoretical basis of good land governance 300–304 UDC 347.214.2 |
Directions of the transfer of innovations in the Republic of Belarus 305–309 UDC 339.9:658:630 |
Technical education assessment in both Belarus and Leban on and its improvement using intelligent decision support system 310–313 UDC 332.85 |
Institutional approaches to regulation of handling recyclable material resources in the Republic of Belarus 314–318 UDC 338.22.021.4 |
Methodical aproaches to the economic evaluation of ecologıcal risks 319–323 UDC 504.062.4 |
Foreign investment in Lebanon: cultural conception of attracting foreign investors 324–328 UDC 339.727.22 |
Assessment of ecological functions forest 329–332 UDC 502.15:630 |
Understanding how laundering the proceeds of corruption is achieved and its scope in the MENA region 333–336 UDC 338 (476) |