Volume 178
Entire issue: Proceedings of BSTU No.5 - History, philosophy, philology
Check of giving legitimacy of noble dignity by nobility deputies assemblies in heraldry in second half XIXct. 3–7 UDC 947.2:323.311 |
Rеsettlement policy in Russiain second half of XIXth – early XXth c. (exemplified by resettlement frombelarus to the southern province of Russia) 8–11 UDC 325.1(470+571) «18/19» |
Historical source base of teachers’ intelligentsia of Belarus (second half of the XIXth – early XXth c.) 12–16 UDC 371.1-058.237(476)«18/19» |
Food policy of Provisional government on Belarus at an initial stage of expansion of Fervalsky revolution 17–20 UDC 947.6.«1917» |
Formation and collapse of revolutionary democracy in Belarus (1917-1918 gg.) 21–24 UDC 94(476)«917/1918»:321.74 |
The soviets in public and political life in Belarus (march-july 1917) 25–28 UDC 94(476):323.17 «1917» |
Belarusian-language periodicals in Wilno as a historical source of the history of Ukrainian diaspora (1918–1939) 29–33 UDC 070:930.1(477)«1918/1939» |
Peculiarities of recruiting the red army servicemen for the soviet border guard service in the BSSR in the 1920th years 34–40 UDC 94(1-04)(476) «1920» |
Рarticipation of the trade unions of Belarus in the organization of labour protection and social insurance in the nep period 41–45 UDC 9:331.105(476)+331.45+368.4 |
Activities of the intellectuals in the local movement until the time of the campaign agaist “the national democratic” in the BSSR in the 1930’th. 46–49 UDC :9(476):32(476) «1930»:908 |
Problematic and theoretical priorities of thesis studies of 1917 – 1921 land reforms in Ukraine: historiographical review 50–56 UDC 930(477)«1917/21» |
Training doctors of sciences in the field of modern and contemporary history of foreign countries in the Byelorussian SSR 57–61 UDC 378.25-057.85+94«654» |
Social policy and development of tourist recreation in Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republic (1970–1980’s) 62–66 UDC 316.334.3:338.48(476)«1970/1980» |
Socio-economic aspects of the development of modern belarusian village 67–70 UDC 947.6-058.232.6 |
Reforming the u.s. intelligence community in the twenty-first century 71–74 UDC 355.42.424 |
The new world order in the views of Vladimir Vynnychenko 75–79 UDC 930,1(100)«9» |
Psychological adaptation of students to studying in higher educational institution 80–84 UDC 378.015.005.32-057.873 |
Socio-humanitarian knowledge and education as a factor of geopolitical transformation 85–88 UDC 1:316.32 |
Globalization as a challenge cultural and civilization security of the country and the nation in xxi century 89–93 UDC 140.8 |
Coevolutionary paradigm as a methodological basis of analysis of post-industrial development society trends 94–99 UDC 101.1:141.7 |
Semantic culturological “ladenness” of paradigms of human sciences 100-104 UDC 316.73 |
Implementation of ecological requirements in modern conditions 105–108 UDC 301.100.063 |
Violence as destruction of a human nature in philosophy of E. Fromm 109–112 UDC 091+141.32 |
Intergenerational relations’ social destruction in the globalized world 113–116 UDC 111 |
Features of vocational guidance in the conditions of globalization 117–120 UDC 0.88 |
Game in society: between creativity and gamefication (socialphilosophical analysis) 121–125 UDC 101.1:008 |
The rise of academic search: mythology and symbolism 126–130 UDC 001+14+397 |
The conflict of interpretation of the past in contemporary society 131–135 UDC 316.74:94 |
The peculiarities of the orthodoxy and culture interaction in the contemporary conditions 136–139 UDC 1:281.9(476) |
“Self” as an attribute of integrity of social activity subject and its socialcultural levels of formation 140–146 UDC 316.16:141.7 |
The related rights objects features 147–150 UDC 347.78 |
Legat relation employee status 151–153 UDC 347.214.2 |
Nikolay Dobrolyubov and Maxim Bagdanovich: typology and dynamics of the perception of the literary classics 154–158 UDC 821.161.1+821.161.3-95 |
“Strict sooneets are still living…” 159–161 UDC 82-193.3 |
The peculiarities of the terms in the context of scientific and technical translation 162–166 UDC 81’255.2:6 |
Literary text as a means of artistic communication 167–172 UDC 82.091 |
“Executioner woman” by Pavel Kohout as novel prague black humor 173–177 UDC 82-17:821.161.3 |
Forest lexocon in subdialects of Verkhnyaye Nadyaseldze 178–182 UDC 81’373.21(476) |
Internationalization of BSTU as a key factor for university integration in the international research and education area 183–187 UDC 378:172.4 |
Formation of foreign language communicative competence at students of the economics faculty in non-linguistical high school taking into account socio-cultural component 188–191 UDC 802/809-07 |
The formation of professional and creative directivity of students of nonlinguistic university 192–194 UDC 378.147.227 |
Formation of the students’ critical thinking on the foreign language classes 195–198 UDC 811:161/162 |
Process of formation of foreign language professional lexicon: from theory to practice 199–202 UDC: 81'232(81'276.6) |