UDC 94(476)

  • Oksana Ryshkevich − PhD student, Yanka Kupala Grodno State University; teacher of History and Social Science of State Educational Establishment “Secondary School No. 32 named after T. G. Larionova Grodno” (15/1-3 Limoges str., Grodno, 230021, Republic of Belarus). E-mail: oksanaryshkevich@rambler.ru

Keywords: historiography, historical periodicals, Belarus, historical science.

For citation: Ryshkevich, O. I. Historical periodicals of the Republic of Belarus: general characteristics. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 6, History, Philosophy, 2022, 2 (263), pp. 73–78 (In Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.52065/2520-6885-2022-263-2-73-78.


The article provides an overview of scientific historical journals of Belarus, on the basis of which the main criteria of characteristics characteristic of scientific and historical periodicals are analyzed, which constitutes its distinctive features. The formation and development of historical journals since the 1990s is traced. The problem of insufficient study of the historical periodicals of Belarus is considered. The contribution and role of historical periodicals in the professional communication space is evaluated.


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