UDC 502.172:338

  • Vernikovskaya Oksana Vasil’yevna − PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, the Department of Logistics and Price Policy. Belarusian State Economic University (26, Partizanskiy Ave., 220070, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Key words: methodological approach, assessment, anthropogenic impact, ecological tourism, sustainable development, specially protected natural areas.

For citation: Vernikovskaya O. V. Scientific and methodological approaches to the assessment of anthropogenic impacts on specially protected natural areas. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 5, Economics and Management, 2022, no. 1 (256), pp. 67–78 (In Russian). DOI:


The scientific and methodological approaches to the assessment of the negative impact of various factors on natural ecosystems are studied. Within the framework of well-known methods, various authors of research have proposed indicators characterizing the state of the environment.

An illustrative example of the manifestations of interaction and mutual influence of nature and man is the development of ecological tourism in specially protected natural areas. The development of ecotourism leads to changes in the natural environment, often negative. This aspect requires the development of environmental policy and environmental protection measures taking into account the anthropogenic load on the territory with the special management regime. Studies have shown that insufficient attention is paid to the economic assessment of anthropogenic impact on specially protected natural areas. The assessment of practical results in the field of sustainable development of eco-tourism is complicated by the complexity of the process of assessing the scale of problems associated with the identification of cause-and-effect relationships of negative impact.

It is noted that only an integrated approach to improving the level of all components of tourist safety will significantly improve the attractiveness of a tourist object. The principles and conditions of sustainable development of tourist and recreational systems of various hierarchical levels are defined. Based on the systematization of existing developments, the author proposes a system of indicators for the sustainable development of ecological tourism in specially protected natural areas, which is necessary for taking into account when making environmental and socio-economic management decisions. Given the promising development of eco-tourism, the task of methodological support of industry statistics is becoming more relevant.


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