UDC 070:004.738.5

  • Nikanovich Dzmitry Alehavich − PhD (Philology), Assistant Professor, the Department of Periodical Press and Web Journalism. Belarussian State University (9, Kal’variyskaya str., 220004, Minsk, Republic of Belarus). E-mail:

Key words: theory of convergent journalism, mass media convergence, media convergence, convergence in the media, convergent journalism, convergent editorial.

For citation: Nikanovich D. A. The theory of convergent journalism: basic concepts. Proceedings of BSTU, issue 4, Print- and Mediatechnologies, 2022, no. 1 (255), pp. 61–72 (In Russian). DOI:


The article attempts to identify the current issues of the theory of convergent journalism and clarify the semantics of its basic concepts, such as “mass media convergence”, “media convergence”, “convergence in the media”, “convergent journalism” and “convergent editorial”.

The problem of diffusion of media terminology is raised, which leads to inaccurate and sometimes completely incorrect use of the concepts of the theory of convergent journalism in scientific and educational literature.

The most well-known approaches to the explanation of the concepts under consideration are systematized. A boundary is drawn between the understanding of convergence as a process and a property. Convergence as a property is proposed to be interpreted with the help of such related concepts as “multimedia”, “hypermedia”, “interactivity”, “cross-media”, and “hybridity”.

Research problems that arise in the process of studying media convergence are analyzed. As a result of the generalization of the authoritative scientific research (10.01.10 – journalism) the theory of convergent journalism is proposed to be defined as a system of theoretical views that organizes the understanding of issues related to the influence of media convergence on the transformation of journalism as a creative activity, profession, media system and moral institution of society; the need to introduce innovative approaches to journalism education, taking into account the new humanitarian and technological conditions; lack of knowledge of the patterns of content creation in the context of cross-media and multimedia production; the complexity of predicting the content preferences of audiences of various media platforms, etc.


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