UDC 674.023
Key words: oscillations, magnetostrictor, concentrator, sample, stresses, fatigue characteristics.
For citation: Equipment Complex for Ensuring the Research of the Characteristics of Multi-Cycle Fatigue Using High Loading Frequencies / S. E. Belsky [и др.] // Труды БГТУ. Сер. 1, Лесное хозяйство, природопользование и переработка возобновляемых ресурсов. - Минск : БГТУ, 2019. - № 1 (216). - С. 201-206.
The article describes a complex of testing equipment that ensures implementation of fatigue tests of samples made of metal construction materials within the range of 0.3–44.0 kHz. The considered equipment complex allowed implementation of the following patterns of sample loading: tensioncompression and alternating bending over a symmetric cycle.
The article also contains information about the structure of test facilities, matching plants and test samples, as well as the peculiarities of test performance at elevated temperatures. It has been demonstrated that this equipment complex allows realization of random loads characteristic of real conditions of operation of machine parts and elements of engineering structures.
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